How to change the size of the nozzle in Cura

How to change the nozzle size in

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To change the nozzle size in Cura you will need to go to the top menu, where the type of filament you are using appears and click. It will then open a new window with 2 options to choose material and Nozzle Size. By clicking on Nozzle Size you will be able to choose the nozzle size you are using.

For older versions of Cura you will need to go into your printer settings and manually change your nozzle size.

Changing the nozzle size in Cura

The nozzle size is very important, this is used to calculate the width of fill lines and to calculate the amount of wall lines as well as their thickness based on the parameters provided.

It may happen that you changed the nozzle size of your printer, either out of necessity or for experimentation, and then encountered multiple errors because you did not configure the new nozzle in Cura.

In the new versions of Cura it will be easy to do so, since only You must go to the top menu, where the type of filament you are using is displayed, and after clicking select the size of your new nozzle.

After making the change, a warning message may appear asking if we want to save the changes or if we want to load the default values of the selected profile.

How to change nozzle size in Cura - top menu
How to change nozzle size in Cura - discard or save changes

In this case you have probably made changes to the values of the profile you were using and now Cura is basically asking you if you want to keep those changes or if you want to discard them so that load defaults.

On the left of the image you have Settings, which in my case I have modified, and on the right the default values and the modified ones. Now Cura is asking me if I want to keep them. In my particular case, if I want to keep them because they are useful to me, then I click on keep changes.

If the changes do not work for you, you can click on discard changes.

From now on your new nozzle is configured in Cura and you can go through the print settings to see all the changes.

Changing the nozzle size in older versions of Cura

In older versions of Cura, users had to go into the printer settings and manually change nozzle parameters.

Let's see a step by step for a version prior to 4.7

First you need to go to the printer settings, in the top left bar and click on the name of your printer.

Luego hacer Clic en administrar impresoras «Manage printers»

How to change nozzle size in Cura-manage printers

The printer configuration window will open and there you will click on Machine Settings.

How to change the nozzle size in Cura-machine settings

En esta ventana veremos todas las configuraciones de nuestra impresora, en esta ventana harás clic en «Extruder1«

And finally you will modify the size of the nozzle, placing the corresponding number.

And this is how the nozzle size was configured in previous versions of Cura Ultimaker.

For this reason, in order to avoid having to manually change this configuration, it was easier to add the same printer several times but with different nozzles, making it easier to change the printer than the nozzle.

Videos on YouTube: electronica4all

To complement your reading I recommend you visit the following publication: How to clean the 3D printer nozzle (All options)

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