Ultimaker Cura, first steps.

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Ultimaker Cura

Ultimaker cura in Spanish is a software application designed to work with 3D printers.

3D graphics can be opened to be sliced into layers, and then sent to the 3D printer to begin working.

In this application you can modify all the printing parameters necessary to perform a correct 3D printing.

Minimum system requirements

  • Graphics card supporting OpenGL 2, OpenGL 4.1 for layered preview.
  • Resolution 1024 x 768
  • Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64
  • 550 MB of free disk space.
  • 4GB of RAM

Ultimaker cura 32 bits in spanish will not be available, because cura is a 64-bit only software.

Ultimaker Cura Workspace

Once the program is installed, we can take a visual tour and make a brief description of its interface.

  1. Open file. Open a 3D file.
  2. Printer selection panel. It shows us the configured printers.
  3. Configuration panel. The type of material and size of the Nozzle are chosen.
  4. Stages Bar. Preparation, preview and follow-up stage.
  5. Print settings panelContains all the parameters of the cutting strategies.
  6. marketplace. Add-ons and additional plugins.
  7. account access. Allows access to the cloud, Marketplace add-ons, print profiles and more.
  8. segmented panel. Contains a segmented or laminated button depending on the current stage.
  9. Save Button. Save to removable media or to a file.
  10. Preview buttonto. It is used to visualize the layer cuts.
  11. Camera position. Position the camera at a predetermined angle.
  12. Model information. Displays the name of the 3D model and its dimensions.
  13. adjustment tools. Move, rotate, mirror, scale and more options.

Setting up Cura in Spanish

The preferences menu contains a number of useful options, including viewport behavior, file handling, and your privacy preferences.

It can be opened via the menu: Preferences – Configure Cura…

After selecting the Spanish language it will be necessary to restart the program
  • Language: Ultimaker Cura is translated into 15 languages, after making the change you will need to restart Cura.
  • Currency: This value can be changed to modify the currency indicator. It will have no other effect on pricing or the application.
  • Issue: Ultimaker offers color blind themes and a dark theme for ease of use.
  • Cut automatically: This setting can be enabled to automatically slice the 3D model into layers upon loading.

Interface behavior

  • show overhangs: Displays the bottom parts of 3D models in Red color to indicate that the model needs support material.
  • show model errors: sample mistakes in the 3D model using different colors for better recognition.
  • Center camera when item is selected: Focuses the camera on the 3D model and automatically centers it.
  • Reverse the camera zoom direction: By turning the mouse wheel, instead of zooming in we will zoom out.
  • Make sure the models are separated: This allows the models not to overlap each other, maintaining a safe distance.

Note: Placing models too close together can result in overlapping. Ultimaker Cura does not warn when this happens. (unless we make sure tick that option)

  • Automatically drag models onto the build plate: You can disable this option to allow 3D models to float, which can be useful for creating custom supports, or aligning 3D models manually.
  • Warning message on G-code reader: In case of an error, the program will launch a warning message.
  • Force layer view compatibility mode: This allows older graphics cards to view a variant of 2D layers. You do not need to enable this option if your layer view is working correctly.
  • Restore window position to startup: Disable this option to load Cura Ultimaker in the same standard position and resolution every time you start it.

Note: Disabling this option can be helpful when working with multiple monitors, to ensure that Cura Ultimaker will be correctly visible when restarting without having the second monitor connected.

  • Camera rendering: Perspective and orthographic modes are available.

Open and save files

  • Use a single instance of Cura: Forces the operating system to load all 3D models in the currently running Cura application.
  • Scaling up large models: Automatically scale down models that are too large for the build plate.
  • Scaling models too small: Automatically scale models to a viewable size, this can happen when models are scaled incorrectly (inches, millimeters).
  • Select models when opening: The 3D model is automatically selected when loaded onto the plate.
  • Add machine prefix to job name: A prefix with the initials of the printer that we have configured at that time will be automatically added. For example: CE3PRO_file_name.gcode
  • Display a summary dialog when saving the project: Uncheck this option to avoid having to see the description every time you save the project.
  • Default behavior when opening a project file: con esta opción podremos elegir si queremos abrir un proyecto (con todas las configuraciones guardadas) o si solamente deseamos importar el modelo 3D de ese proyecto sin modificar nuestras configuraciones actuales. La opción «preguntar siempre» también está disponible.

Profiles and privacy

  • Default behavior for values changed when switching to another profile: Nos preguntará si queremos descartar los cambios al cambiar a un nuevo perfil, o si queremos transferir los ajustes modificados al nuevo perfil. La opción «preguntar siempre está disponible».
  • Check for updates at startup: The program notifies us with a pop-up window that there is a newer version of Cura Ultimaker.
  • Send (anonymous) printing information: Allows Ultimaker to collect anonymous usage information for the improvement of Cura Ultimaker.

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