How to make a keychain Spotify for 3D printing in Tinkercad

How to make a keychain Spotify for printing 3D Tinkercad - Tinkercad 14) aligning and grouping edges

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Spotify is an application for Android, Windows and other platforms, which provides a digital music streaming service.

This app allows you to copy and share the link of a song with the person you want so they can listen to it too.

But that's not all, Spotify also has a page that allows you to create a barcode of the song of your choice and send it as an image so that other people can scan it.

Today with this tutorial you are going to create this link and you are going to use a 3D modeling program called Tinkercad to give it the shape of a keychain and print it with your 3D printer.

Basically you're going to dedicate a song to someone in a very, very special way.

Step 1) Open Spotify and choose the song

On your PC, you will open the Spotify application and search for the song you want to dedicate.

En mi caso voy a elegir la canción de Alejandro Lerner llamada «Secretos», en tu caso puede ser una canción que signifique algo para ti o para la persona que se la quieras dedicar.

Step 2) Copy the song link

Once you have found the song you want to share you must copy the link, for this you must click on the 3 dots at the end of the song name.

Here some options will open and you must click on Share and then in Copy song link.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Copy song link on Spotify
Copy song link on Spotify

Step 3) Open Spotify Codes and generate the Barcode

In your internet browser you must access Spotify Codes and place the link of the song you just copied

Una vez que hayas pegado el enlace debes hacer Clic en «Get Spotify code» y se te abrirá del lado derecho de la pantalla una sección con opciones de descarga.

Aquí solamente cambiarás el formato de descarga y en lugar de descargar «Jpg» deberás colocar «SVG»

How to make a Spotify keychain - Spotify Codes
Spotify Codes

Después de hacer el cambio de formato podrás hacer clic en «Download» y se descargará en tu carpeta de descargas un archivo «spcode-*.svg» puede tener numeros y letras o llamarse distinto, but the file extension must be .svg

If you want you can change the name, or put the name of the song so as not to get confused.

Step 4) Open Tinkercad and import the file

Autodesk Tinkercad is a free online 3D modeling program that is used from your web browser.

To enter you can create an account or do it using your networks, such as Google for example. Click on login up to the right.

Una vez adentro irás a Diseño 3D y «Crear un diseño 3D» y se abrirá tu plano de trabajo.

Here you must click on the button «Importar» up to the right.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Import the .svg file
Import the .svg file

In this window you must select the file you saved previously, and then click the button Matter

Step 5) Model the keychain in Tinkercad

Once you have imported the barcode, you will model the keychain using some very simple tools.

Don't worry if you don't know how to model or if my examples aren't enough, I'll post a YouTube video anyway to make it clearer.

Correct the measurements

In my case I am going to modify the size to 18 mm x 70 mm and I am going to leave the object centered on the work plane. This can be achieved by Clicking on the corners and manually modifying the measurements.

Since the imported object is tall, I'm going to change its height from 10 mm to 3 mm.

The object should have the measurements of 18 mm x 70 mm x 3 mm (at least in my case, if you want to make it in other measurements keep in mind that the measurements must be proportional so that it does not deform too much).

Create the barcode

Once you have the barcode imported and with the correct measurements, you will give it a solid form.

1) Te dirigirás a la ventana de «Forma» ubicada a la derecha y le vas a dar Clic en «Hueco»

By doing this the object with the code has to remain transparent.

2) Now you are going to go to the Basic Shapes column on the right and you are going to click on the Cube.

You are going to place the cube on the work surface and you are going to give it the same measurements as the transparent barcode, 18 mm x 70 mm x 3 mm

How to make a Spotify keychain - Shape the barcode
Shaping the barcode

3) Then you will select both objects con la tecla «Shift» y vas a presionar la letra «L» (o puedes dirigirte al menú superior y allí hacer Clic en la función de «Alinear»)

Several black dots will appear here, you have to click on the ones in the center.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Align and group
align and group

4) Una vez que los dos objetos estén alineados, vas a utilizar la función de «Agrupar» apretando las teclas «CTRL + G» (o puedes dirigirte al menú superior y hacer Clic en la función de «Agrupar»)

If you have done things correctly, you should have a positive barcode, that is, a solid one without rectangular edges.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Spotify Barcode in Tinkercad
Spotify Barcode at Tinkercad

Create the base of the keychain

Now you are going to put the barcode aside for a moment and dedicate yourself to shaping the base of the keychain.

5) Create a cube again as you did before and give it the same measurements of 18 mm x 70 mm with the difference that you will put 2 mm of height.

6) Now you are going to create a cylinder and you are going to place it on the work plane and you are going to put the measurements of the width of the rectangle, that is, 18 mm x 18 mm x 2 mm

How to make a Spotify keychain - Creating the base of the keychain
Creating the base of the keychain

You are going to position this shape so that half of the circle is inside the rectangle and the other half is outside.

7) Ahora vas a duplicar esta forma utilizando las teclas «Ctrl+D» y la vas a colocar en la otra punta del rectángulo.

8) Vas a seleccionar todo y vas a utilizar la función de «To line up» y luego la función de «Group«.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Duplicate, Align and Group
Duplicate, Align and Group

now you have base of your keychain.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Keychain base
key ring base

Create the edges of the keychain

9) Una vez que ya tengas tu base lista, vas a «double» (Ctrl + D) dos (2) veces esa base, quedando como en la imagen, arriba el código y 3 veces la base del llavero.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Create the keychain borders
Create the edges of the keychain

10) based on below and of the half you are going to modify the height and you are going to put 3mm instead of 2mm.

11) At the base of the middle you are going to subtract 1mm in width and in length. Instead of 88mm you are going to put 87mm and instead of 18 mm you are going to put 17mm

How to make a Spotify keychain - Modify height and other parameters
Modify height and other parameters

12) Con la base del medio seleccionado vas a ir a la ventana de forma y vas a seleccionar «Hueco»

13) Now you are going to select the middle base and the one below y vas a usar la función de «To line up» para juntarlas. Y después de juntarlas las vas a Group con «Ctrl+G«

Align and Group bases
Align and Group bases

The edges of the keychain are now ready. Now all that remains is to put the 3 objects together, align them and group them.

finished base edge
finished base edge

14) Vas a seleccionar los 3 objetos y presionando «L» vas a centrarlos y una vez centrados vas a agruparlos con Ctrl+G

Select all three elements, align and Group
Select all three elements, align and Group

Create the hole for the key ring

You're almost done with the design part of the keychain, all that's left is to place the hole for the chain.

15) Para esto en la columna de «Basic forms» vas a seleccionar un «hollow cylinder» y lo vas a depositar en el plano de trabajo.

Modify the cylinder measurements. You are going to put a measure 3mm x 3mm and you are going to place it in the place that you want to put the key ring hole.

Create hole for chain
Create hole for chain

16) Once located, you will select everything and group it.

How to make a Spotify keychain - Group and go, finished keychain
Bundle and go, finished keychain

And that's it! You now have your Spotify keychain modeled!!

Step 6) Export the STL file

Now that you have your finished 3D model, all that remains is to export it in a Stl format, which is recognized by cutting programs such as Ultimaker Cura or PrusaSlicer.

17) Para ello irás a la barra superior derecha y harás Clic en «Exportar» y seleccionarás la opción .STL

Export STL file
Export STL file

The file will be automatically saved to your downloads folder.

Video on YouTube: Channel Novatech

Step 7) Open cutter and select printing parameters

After opening Cura you can select your favorite printing parameters to use with a 0.4 mm nozzle

I am going to use the parameters described in the post Best Cura setups for beginners, you can visit the post if you want and then come back.

Once you have your parameters ready, you will go to the preview tab and you will identify which one it is the last base coat of the keychain and what is it the first layer of edge and of the bar-code.

Cure Ultimaker, Preview
Cure Ultimaker, Preview

This will be important to be able to pause the print and change the filament.

In my case it will be the 12th layer of printing.

Modify G-code

In the menu bar you must select the option «Extensiones» > «posprocesamiento» > «Modificar GCode»

Modify GCode
Modify GCode

In this window you must add a command sequence, you will choose «Pause at heigth»

Pause at High
Pause at High

En la ventana de la derecha, en la primera opción donde dice «Pause at» vas a poner «Layer Number»

En la segunda casilla «Pause Layer» el número de capa que hay que cambiar el filamento. En mi caso sería la capa número 12, así que ese es el número que voy a colocar.

En la casilla de más abajo «Standby Temperature» voy a poner 190 °C , since if we don't put anything the nozzle gets cold and if we delay changing the filament everything gets ruined.

Set the layer height at which you will change the filament
Set the layer height at which you will change the filament

Close the window and save the file on the Micro SD card

Step 8) Print the keychain

Congratulations! You have reached the point of printing the keychain that you designed yourself!

Don't forget to have the bed properly leveled before printing.

Remember that the 3D printer will print the keychain in one color (green for example) up to layer number 11, from there it will stop and the printer will remain in Stand By waiting for you to change the filament to another color (Black would be appropriate for the barcode).

Once you have placed the black filament, deberás presionar el botón que corresponda en tu impresora para «Continuar con impresión».

From this point on, the printer will heat up the nozzle and the heated bed again. It will extrude some filament, and will continue printing from layer number 12 to layer number 15 with the black color.

Keychain designed in Tinkercad, printed in 2 colors
Keychain designed in Tinkercad, printed in 2 colors

And that's how you print 2 colors with a single extruder.

Step 9) Gift the keychain

A song can say a lot about us and the message we want to convey, choose the song wisely and perhaps, you can be something more than a friend to that special person.

Whatever the case, I want you to know that wish you all the best.

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