How to print a QR code in 3D

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To 3D print a QR code you need to use an online application such as Autodesk's Tinkercad.

En el menú de formas básicas elige la opción «generadores de formas» y en la lupa de la derecha escribe «QR» luego elige la forma QR y posiciónala sobre el plano de trabajo. Edita los datos del Código QR 3D con los tuyos y luego exporta el archivo STL a tu ordenador.

Uses of a QR code

QR codes have multiple uses today, such as:

  • Make or accept payments online.
  • Attract customers to your website.
  • Using virtual menus in restaurants.
  • Authenticate purchases made online, such as movie tickets for example.

And there are many uses that are practical and fast and easily solve access to information by simply scanning a code. (If you want to know what QR codes are and what they are used for, I leave you an external link Here.)

QR codes are usually printed on paper, but paper can be torn or lost.

If you have a 3D printer you can print a 3D QR code and make it more durable.

Why print a QR code in 3D

Because you can differentiate yourself from others by doing something different and fun..

With a 3D printer you can do:

  • Keychains with a 3D printed QR to promote your website
  • A business card
  • Save Wifi passwords
  • Save important passwords that you don't want to lose

And because it also gives a more professional appearance.

How to print a QR code in 3D

Log in to Tinkercad using your account, if you don't have one you can login with your Google account. Tinkercad is free.

You can see how I do it with images from this post: How to make keychains with names in 3D

Let's see a step by step from Tinkercad:

How to make a QR code in Tinkercad

1. Desde el plano de trabajo dirígete hacia el menú de «formas básicas» y haz clic para que se desplieguen las opciones.

QR in 3D - basic shapes in Tinkercad
Click on Basic Shapes

2. En la ventana que se despliega debes elegir la opción «Generadores de formas»

QR in 3D - Tinkercad Shape Generators
Click on Shape Generators

3. Ahora haz clic en la lupa que está a la derecha y escribe «QR»

QR in 3D - Select QR code
Escribe «QR» en el cuadro de búsqueda

4. In this window several options will appear, you have to Click on the QR code.

Now click on the work plan again and you will see the QR code appear.

QR in 3D
Place the qr on the work plane

5. Now is the time to configure the QR code with the text you want to promote, it can be a link to a web page or it can be a password or any informative data that you consider important.

In my case I will put the address of my website:

QR in 3D - configure qr
Now configure the information you want in the QR

6. At this point you are going to enter the width and height measurements for the code. In my case I am going to enter measurements of 50 x 50 mm by 2 mm high.

To change the size just click on the QR code and then on any of the 5 white squares.

Resize QR in Tinkercad
Resize to whatever you want

7. Ya tienes el codigo QR, ahora necesitas una base. Para eso vas a ir de nuevo a la opción «Basic forms» como estaba al principio.

Haz clic en la forma «cubo» y luego en el plano de trabajo.

3D QR-create base
Return to basic forms

8. Once you have the Cube on the work surface, you will modify its measurements so that it is a little larger than the QR code.

In my case for the example I am going to put 60 x 60 mm width.

3D QR-create cube
Place the cube and change its size

8. In the height I am going to put about 4 mm so that the base has rigidity.

now i will do Click on the QR code and then I'm going to raise it from the work surface about 4 mm, which is the same height as the base.

To do this you need Click on the black triangle and go up to 4 mm without releasing the mouse button.

Modify the heights of the base and the QR code

9. Cuando ya tengas hecho el punto anterior vas a seleccionar todo y vas a usar la herramienta «Alinear» que está arriba a la derecha como se ve en la imagen.

After the black points are marked, you are going to click on the centers as seen in the image.

3D QR-align QR code with base
Align both shapes so they are centered

10. If everything went well, you will see that the QR code and the base have been aligned in their centers.

3D QR aligned

11. Ahora necesitas hacer el agujero para el llavero, para eso elige el cilindro transparente que está en «formas básicas» y depositalo en el plano de trabajo como lo has hecho antes con los otros objetos.

Place a transparent cylinder

12. Modify the sides of the cylinder. Click on the white squares and choose the size, in my case I'm going to put 3 x 3 mm.

Now move the cylinder and place it where you want to put the key ring. I'm going to put it in the middle.

Set the cylinder size

13. En este punto debes «Agrupar» todas las formas para que se conviertan en una sola.

Selecciona todo y luego haz clic en la herramienta «Agrupar» que está arriba a la derecha como se ve en la imagen.

3D QR - group QR with base
Group all the shapes

14. After you have grouped everything (and if everything is okay) you can export the STL file from Tinkercad to your hard drive.

Selecciona todo y haz clic en «Exportar» como se ve en la imagen.

3D QR - export QR code as stl file
Click Export

15. En la próxima ventana elige la opción «STL» que será el formato adecuado para usar con cualquier Slicer, en mi caso Cura.

3D QR-stl
Choose the STL file option

Print the QR code in 3D

You already have your QR code in an STL file, now open it in your favorite Slicer.

Use a speed of no more than 50 mm/s, since the QR code part has to be printed well so that it can be read by the reader.

Outside of that you can use your preferred settings.

Open Cura and configure your QR code in 3D

At this point you also have to choose whether to print your QR code in a white color (and then paint over the code part with a black marker); or if you are going to print using two colors.

If you have a 3D printer with multiple extrusions it shouldn't be a problem, but if you want to print multiple colors with a single extruder then you will have to create one «secquency of commands« in Cura to pause the print at the moment when the filament needs to be changed.

I invite you to see the Post: How to print in two colors with a single extruder an item that can help you print multiple colors with a single extruder.

In my case I will use two filaments of different colors, so I'm going to create a script so that the ender 3 printer stops on the last layer of the base, so I can change the filament to a black one for the QR code part.

Channel video: EliasD

I like the video on the EliasD channel because I think it explains it pretty well.

I leave you some images, I hope you liked today's post.

Thank you for your visit.

3D QR code in black and white.
QR codes can also be printed in other colors

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    1. In fact, if you point a reader at the black and white code on the screen if it reads it to you, I even have the green one as a key ring since I published it and it also scans perfectly.

      The only problem is that it cannot be made smaller without having to change the mouthpiece. For my taste, that size is too big to be used as a key ring.

      And to make it smaller, I would have to use a 2.5mm nozzle, which would take a little longer to print. But that already depends on each one and what you need to do.

    1. Hello! Yes, with a 0.4 nozzle because with a larger nozzle it becomes more complicated to print in that size.
      To 3D print a smaller Qr you would have to use a smaller nozzle.