What to 3D print to make money

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Aquí voy a dejar a list of ideas that can be used to earn money with a 3D printer.

Many of these ideas are currently applied by people who put their 3D printers to work and then publish their models on platforms like amazon or free market.

The objective of this list is not to copy what others do, but to offer examples that serve to generate new ideas.

Never forget that you must differentiate yourself from the rest, always looking Innovateto be different and of improve yourself and your products.

Remember: Antes de imprimir un modelo 3D para ponerlo en venta, debes asegurarte de que no esté protegido por derechos de autor. You must always have permission from their creators to be able to sell them.

What to print in 3D to earn money:

  1. 3D printed pots
  2. Molds for cement pots
  3. cell phone holders
  4. Furniture
  5. Furniture for 3D printers
  6. Generadores eólicos
  7. Litofanías en 3D
  8. 3d world cup

Many of these files they do not have a free license which means that You have to ask the creator for permission, el cual seguramente recibirá una comision de tus ventas. La otra opción es buscar un diseño gratuito, either crear tus propios diseños to sell.

1) 3D printed pots

Las macetas impresas en 3D son una idea genial para explotar, ya que ofrecen una forma más personalizada y entretenida para las flores y plantas de tus posibles clientes.

  • 1.1 Low Poly Pots

Low Poly significa en inglés «bajo poligonaje». Son objetos con pocas caras y pocos vértices.

Con una multiple cantidad de filamentos en el mercado, estas macetas son ideales para salir del clasico modelo genérico y aburrido del mercado.

Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-low poly planter
Low Poly Planter – by OmNomNomagon (Requires license from the Author)
  • 1.2 Self-watering pots

Self-watering pots are normally divided into two parts: A lower part that contains the water and an upper part with soil and the plant itself.

Estas macetas se riegan y el agua se purga hacia el fondo conteniendo el agua que va a seguir alimentando las raíces por largo periodo de tiempo.

In this case, buscaría asegurarme de que la maceta es realmente impermeable. Me ha pasado de regalar esta maceta y resultó ser que perdía agua.

También hay que tener en cuenta el material que se utiliza para hacer macetas, ya que si se usa PLA it can deform when left in the sun.

Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-Tileable Self Watering Planter
Tileable Self Watering Planter
by Yamill (Requires license from the Author)

2) 3D printed molds for cement pots

Si te gusta trabajar con cemento puedes utilizar la impresión 3D para crear moldes para macetas.

Aquí ya no estarías imprimiendo algo para vender, sino the tool que te permitiría fabricar las macetas con cemento.

Lo bueno es que con un molde bien hecho puedes crear múltiples macetas.

Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-Geometric Concrete Pot Mold
Geometric Concrete Pot Mold
by esparapse (Requires license from the Author)

channel video esparapse

3) Cell phone holder

Una buena idea de producto para imprimir en 3D son los soportes para teléfonos móviles, ya que estos elementos se han convertido en una herramienta de trabajo en estos últimos tiempos, donde trabajar desde casa se ha convertido en algo común.

  • 3.1 Rigid cell phone supports
Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-Soportes para telefonos
phone stand (Does not request a license)
by GoAftens
  • 3.2 Folding phone stands
Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-soportes de telefono plegables
Phone/Tablet Stand – Flat fold – Print in place! (Requires license from the Author)
by jonnig
  • 3.3 Soportes de teléfono extensibles
Mechanical Quick Grab/Release Phone Stand (Requires license from the Author)
by arron_mollet22

4) 3D printed furniture

Algo nuevo e innovador sería crear muebles con partes impresas en 3D. Seguramente algo no muy común y un área no tan explotada que puede darle a tu impresora 3D una vida útil, comercialmente hablando.

Desconozco si hay un mercado para esto, pero como dijo el creador de Apple Steve Jobs, «la gente no sabe lo que quiere hasta que tú se lo muestras»

Channel video: Alexandre Chappel (Activar Subtítulos automaticos en español)

5) Furniture for 3D printer

Algo muy necesario y que no muchos lo están explotando, es la venta de furniture for 3d printers.

La impresoras 3D en su mayoría, necesitar de estar cerradas para poder imprimir materiales técnicos como el Abs, Nylon (entre otros materiales). Por este motivo la idea de vender cajas, mesas, armarios, o gabinetes preparados para el uso con impresoras 3D puede resultar positivo.

Puedes usar tu impresora 3D para crear uniones, o soportes para armar muebles o simplemente trabajar con maderas y/o acrílicos

Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-Muebles para impresoras 3D
IKEA Lack Enclosure Creality Ender 3 Compilation
by Woody1978 (Does not request a license)

channel video Make-o-Rama 3D Druck (Activar Subtítulos automaticos en español)

6) Aerogeneradores o Generadores eólicos

¿Te imaginas tener tu propia fabrica de aerogeneradores impresos en 3D?

La idea de generar tu propia energía es algo muy atractivo, no solo como proyecto personal sino también como un modelo de negocio.

Una impresora 3D puede convertirse en una herramienta muy útil para dar el puntapié inicial y crear tu propia empresa.

  • 6.1 Vertical axis wind turbines
  • 6.2 Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

7) 3D lithophanes

La litofania es una forma de proyectar una imagen (o fotografía) a través de un medio semi traslucido, utilizando distintos tipos de grosores de material para permitir o frenar el paso de luz se puede formar una imagen de gran nitidez.

Esta técnica a cobrado vida nuevamente gracias la tecnología de las impresoras 3D. Actualmente puedes imprimir fotografías y hacerlas visibles proyectandolas con una luz.

En la actualidad se usa para crear lámparas personalizadas y venderlas a pedido de los clientes. Uno de los modelos de venta más famosos es la «lámpara luna«, que se puede comprar en distintas plataformas.

Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero-Lamparas de litofania
Designer Lithophane Moon Lamp (Requires license from the Author)
by humphrey_b52

Puedes ganar dinero imprimiendo y vendiendo lámparas de Litofania personalizadas con las fotos de tu clientes.

Si quieres saber más sobre Litofanías 3D puedes ver el Post «3D Lithophane, color photos with 3D printer«

8) 3D World Cup

Puedes aprovechar para imprimir y vender algunos artículos de temporada, como por ejemplo la copa del mundo impresa en 3D.

Preferably before the start of the World Cup you can print world cups and offer them on different platforms.

Por supuesto, quien no querría tener una copia de la copa del mundo en su casa?

Image: FIFA World Cup Trophy (Solid Version)
by 3DPrintNovesia

You can search for 3D models of the world cup to sell during the world cup season.

Search world cup STL on Thingiverse

Search world cup STL at Printables.com

También puedes buscar artículos relacionados con la copa del mundo como por ejemplo: llaveros impresos en 3D, world cup dunk, vaso copa del mundo, alcancía copa del mundo, etc.

Si quieres ver otras formas de ganar dinero con una impresora 3D no te olvides de chequear el post «How to make money with a 3D printer«

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9 comentarios en «Que imprimir en 3D para ganar dinero»

  1. You could have noticed before publishing this news that several of these things to print carry a license that precisely prohibits trading and making money with these items, they are only to be printed locally at home and for oneself.

    • Good morning Alvaro! Thank you very much for your comment.

      At the beginning of this publication I clarify that it is a list of ideas and that the objective is not to copy what others do.

      I quote the third paragraph: «The objective of this list is not to copy what others do, but to offer examples that serve to generate new ideas»

      I quote the fourth paragraph: "Never forget that you must differentiate yourself from the rest, always seek to innovate, be different and improve yourself and your products"

      I quote the fifth paragraph of this post: «Remember: Before you print a 3D model to put it up for sale, you must make sure that it is not protected by copyright. You must always have permission from their creators to be able to sell them."

      Besides below the images I clarify: «(Requires license from the Author)»

      I understand your frustration, but the objective of this list is not to place links to download and sell, that would be the easiest (besides, it is not possible), but to: help think, to create ideas, make your own designs, and if you don't know how to design, at least look for STL files yourself that do not require a license, or hire a designer to develop your own product.

      It is a list of ideas. nothing else.

      I also hope that these examples, or "ideas" can help someone to discover something that allows them to earn money and start their own business with their 3D printer.

      My favorite business idea is “Wind Generators”, I have always been fascinated by the idea of generating my own electricity. I think that this idea is worthy of being developed and exploited with a 3D printer.

      What is your favorite idea?

      Thanks again for your comment, I'll try to improve as much as I can...

      • It's a great idea.

        But with respect to the article, you do make things clear, but it understands that it is going to read and in this case one looks for those ideas to do business and if it is very new, many people will not pay attention to what you send it and others that is what I mean, it was just that.

        In 3D, to talk about business, I think you have to instruct people to handle 3D design very well, which is where you will get profit from.

        Thanks for the answer and good article as well. Only that, in my opinion sometimes you have to pretend that the dumbest reads you or sees you and is going to be left with, "ah, I'm going to download that and sell it" without looking at a license or anything. I hope I have explained myself.


  2. Good morning Álvaro, you have explained yourself very well, and I think you are right.

    I'm going to search these days to review the publication and incidentally add more ideas...

    Thank you for your contribution, I hope to improve as much as I can.

    I wish you good luck in your projects...

  3. Hello Dario, I love your article and I see it perfectly explained and structured.
    I am a big fan of 3D printing and wanting to invent and innovate, and for this reason I would like to give more printing ideas to readers; print spare parts for different hobbies;
    The world of fishing, radio control of vehicles and drones.
    The items used in these worlds are expensive and when they break, there are usually no spare parts, such as gears, plastic supports, etc.
    And users are quite interested in a custom replacement service, if you are good at design you can even add enhancements to standard products.

    • Good morning Sebastian!

      Thank you very much for your comment and your contribution, it is very valuable to all those who are looking for ideas.
      There is still a lot of work to do with this publication, I still have to add the ideas: Personalized Party Favors Accessories (for Birthdays), 3D Printed Parts, Garden Accessories, Urban Hydroponic Garden, Hydroponics Accessories, Chocolate Molds, Computer Accessories , Supplies for Film and Television... (I'm a little late with work haha)

      Is it okay with you that we add your ideas to the list?

      Thank you for commenting and for your valuable contribution.
      Good luck with your projects!

      • It is true that there are many designs but let's also be honest, if you have a design made more than 3 years ago, no one prevents you from selling it according to the registration and patent laws and if the person who made the design never registered it, he has no right to collect nothing except that you buy the design. You have to internalize more in those aspects


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